Our team takes sports marketing
to the next level.

Most sports sponsorships consist of a logo in a stadium, a bunch of free tickets, and overpriced hospitality packages. Traditionally there’s been very little value in sponsorship and even less in a sponsorship that actually sells products.

We approach sports sponsorships differently. We focus on extracting media value commensurate with our client’s investment. Tickets and hospitality are added value.

We’ve negotiated dozens of sponsorships with MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA and collegiate teams. TCAA has the negotiation and media experience to make sure our clients actually see an ROI for their sports sponsorship above and beyond mere association with a team.


    Cincinnati Bengals
    Cincinnati Reds
    Cleveland Cavaliers
    Columbus Blue Jackets
    Detroit Red Wings
    Memphis Grizzlies
    New England Patriots
    The Ohio State University
    Seattle Seahawks
    Seattle Mariners
    Tennessee Titans
    University of Cincinnati
    University of Kentucky
    University of Tennessee
    University of Washington
    Xavier University